Friday, November 26, 2010

Brown Bear Series: The Black Sheep

This is the final project in our Brown Bear series for this year.  In previous years I made the gold fish, and have always wanted to try the teacher and the children, but this is as far as I got this year.  This sheep is by far my favorite project and the most creative in the series.  It involves a lesson on ovals, cutting, gluing, using chalk and cotton balls, and creative personalization on the student's part.

To make the sheep, I drew the patterns for the body, head, and face and traced them on to black and gray paper.  The students were able to cut the pieces out and construct the sheep.  They cut out their own legs and drew the sheep's fur with white chalk.  Each sheep turned out totally unique and some were just so funny looking!  I decided to tie this project in with the Baa Baa Black Sheep nursery rhyme and made a hallway display out of it.

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